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Sell and Grow Rich Challenge​
Get up to 12 Legacy Courses worth N387,000 for FREE.
Courses Will Show You How To Earn a
Bank Manager's Salary Monthly in 101 Days or Less.
No, I rather remain poor
Details of the Challenge​
Please find below the details of the Sell and Grow Rich Challenge. If you don't find an answer below, kindly send an email to support@su.sowrepublic.com​
What is the challenge about?
We want you to start earning a Bank Manager's Salary monthly through sales.
The Challenge will teach you how to achieve your financial goals through sales. You will be taught and coached on how to set up sales systems that works for your products and services and you will be given assignments that challenge you to follow through.
What if I have no product or service to sell, can I still take part in this??
Yes, you can. If you have no products, we shall show you how to sell our own products or the products of others and still earn income.
How do I take a course?
S.U courses are entirely on-demand and they can be accessed from several different devices and platforms, including a desktop, laptop, tablet and mobiles.
The S.U Private Facebook Group and the secret Facebook group will also be used for the challenge.
Is this absolutely FREE?
The 12 courses are FREE for life to you but you have to pay for the Group Mentorship to access the Courses.
What if I reserve the courses and I don't purchase the Mentorship bundle?
The 12 Courses in the bundle will remain reserved for you till the time you are able to purchase the mentorship.

Please note that there shall be a price increase for the bundle after the pre-launch phase and we may discontinue the bundle once its goal is fulfilled in the future so its better to take this lifetime opporutnity while it is available.
What are the courses in the Sell and Grow Rich Challenge?
Here is a list of the 12 Courses value at N387,000:

1.    10 Irrefutable Laws of Sales That Most People Disobey

2.    Daily Money System (DMS)

3.    Become A Professional Website Developer, Earn Your First 100K in 10 Days or Less Building Branded Websites For Yourself And  Others

4.    Open the Floodgates of Customers using the Godfather Strategy; 51 Ways to Generate Traffic for Your Business and Offers

5.    WhatsApp Selling Machine (WSM): How to turn your WhatsApp into an ultimate sales machine

6.    Canva: Become your own graphic designer: Learn How to Make 21 Eye Catching Designs for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and LinkedIn that will help you get noticed online.

7.    35 Things You Should Get Right on Your Sales Page If You Want to Sell Like Crazy

8.     Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Passive Income Domination (How to earn income recommending the products and services of other people to other people)

9.     Facebook ADgineering: How to Set Up a Profitable Facebook Ads System that pulls In Massive Sales even if You are a Beginner

10.   10 Facebook Ads Strategies That is Sure to Make You 6-Figures

11.    Copywriting PRO: How To Write Words And Sentences That Helps You Sell Like Crazy

12.    Copywriting PRO: 10 Common Copywriting Mistakes You Should Never Make
Can I earn income from the Challenge?
Yes! You can earn income as an Affiliate if you choose to sell the Challenge Bundle to others.
All the questions for affiliates are answered here:

Is there a Money back Guarantee?
We normally don't give money back guarantees for intellectual products once theyhave been accessed BUT, we shall give a 7 Days MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for this Challenge.
The Challenge was designed to ensure you earn income; so if you do as instructed and don't earn income from it or get value from it, you shall be refunded.
When is the challenge starting?
The Challenge commences 1st August 2022 and it shall last for 101 days.
I have other questions to ask?
You can search for answers to your questions here:

I don't have a laptop, can I still take the challenge?
Yes, you can take the challenge using any device that is connected to the internet.
I don't know how to use the internet?
You can tag along and learn; but if you are not willing to put in effort for your own success, there is no point taking the challenge.
What's the use of the Private and Secret Facebook Groups?
It is where group discussions about the Challenge shall be held. Instructions shall be given and tasks shall be reviewed here.
I only reserved 2 courses during the reservation period, can I still access the 12 Courses?
No, you can only access the number of courses you reserved.
For full access, kindly reserve the 12 courses in the Sell and Grow Rich Challenge bundle.
No, I rather remain poor
Step 4 of 10
How do you promote your brand? Select the option you mostly use
None of the above
Networking Events
Newspaper and Journals
Word of mouth
Social Media Posts Only
Social Media Ads
TV and Radio interviews and ads
How often do you talk to your customers?
On their birthdays
Once in a month
When they need me, they reach out to me
What pain or problem do you solve?
Financial Problem: Your prospects are spending too much money on their current provider/solution/products and want to reduce their spend
Productivity Problem: Your prospects are wasting too much time using their current provider/solution/products or want to use their time more efficiently
Process Problems: Your prospects want to improve internal processes, such as assigning leads to sales reps or nurturing lower-priority leads
Support Problem: Your prospects aren’t receiving the support they need at critical stages of the customer journey or sales process
I need more clarity on this
How do you make your customers feel?
None of the above
I don't really know
What is the language of your customers?
I really don't know
I really don't care
Google is on a mission to make individuals feel more informed, connected, and organized through the use of technology. Do you have a very simple mission like this?
Not really
Yes, I do
I am still figuring it out
Jumia usually does the Black Friday campaign every year to attract new customers and refresh their old ones, do you have campaigns you are known for?
I don't know what a campaign is
I need help with my campaigns
Indomie Noodles always uses the phrase “The Magic is in the taste”, Coca-cola says “Taste The Feeling”, do you have a phrase that captures the experience you give to your customers?
No, I don't
Yes, I do
I really need one
Do you have an automated system that brings prospects to your business place online and offline on a daily basis even if they don’t buy from you?
Yes, I do
No, I don't
Anywhere you see MTN, the color is not just yellow, but a specific shade of yellow. Do you have a specific color code?
Yes, I do
No, I just use any color close to my color
I don’t know what color codes are
Is your website responsive; does it have web, tablet and mobile display versions?
Yes, it is responsive
No, it is not responsive
I don't have a website
I like to get a responsive website
Have you ever been positively mentioned on a blog, website, newspaper or journal?
I don't like publicity
I love to have it
How many people have heard about you or your product?
Above 10,000
101 to 1,000
11 to 100
0 to 10
Above 100,000
I really don't know
Do you have a list (name, email, phone, location) of everyone who has ever purchased something from you?
Yes, I do
No, I don't
Apple does not sell Iphone, they sell Class migration; that is why a lot of people feel owning an Iphone changes their status. Do you agree?
Yes, I do
No, I don't
I really don't understand